Life. Crazy. Roller coaster.
I got to the point when it becomes very clear to me that along the way I've made some bad compromises. Are there good ones? I believe so. However, the bad ones need to be fixed. Or taken out. Like weeds. Bad relationships, out of which one doesn't get any juice, need to end. Who knows what the future brings, but for now, the people that along the way do not bring anything, or worse, bad things, need to be weeded. Probably not the best move, but it feels so right. Like Oldie says "if that's wrong, I don't ever wanna be right".
I guess I feel blessed that I have so many good things in my life and, these days, I can afford it. The energy needs to go in the right place, nurture the right relationships.
Take them as they are. I hear that a lot. Why? Fuck them and their ugly bitches. With love, of course. In the long run, it's a service to them. Weeds. Paradoxically, I believe that I may be their best friend. For now, from afar.
Life. Selfishness. Very consciously doing in for myself. Like sisters are doing it.
With Courage. The opposite of fear. Trying to get rid of the fear. Definitely plural.